Welcome back to the next vlog in this Tachyon Tuesday series focused on extending Tachyon. Considering Tachyon's ability to continuously grow and evolve, our Partner Chief Technologist (and Tachyon Tuesday OG), Jason Keogh, has created this series to dive a little deeper into how you can extend Tachyon.
In the first, we dug a little deeper into the initial blog, extending on Tachyon extensions (pun intended!). The second vlog provided an introduction to extending Tachyon.  And the last episode explored extending Tachyon Instructions and Rules by writing SCALE.
In this latest, penultimate episode we will look at using Command Line, Scripts and Binaries in Tachyon Instructions and Rules.

Stay tuned for the final episode in our extending Tachyon vlog series, that will tie the previous episodes together – deploying instructions and rules to Tachyon to drive automations and enhance IT Operations and Security activity.

Don’t miss out on future editions of Tachyon Tuesday 102, stay up to date here! Or subscribe to our YouTube channel to keep your eye on the latest Tachyon Tuesday content.