This is the first in a series of vlogs based on this initial Tachyon Tuesday by Partner Chief Technologist, Jason Keogh, that discussed extending Tachyon – something we absolutely can’t cover in a single vlog session!
Tachyon is so powerful when it comes to extension; as a platform, its something that enables a multitude of approaches.
This vlog will explore the art of the possible – where are you limited? Well, according to Jason, the only limit is your imagination!

The series will cover more about the options available when it comes to extending Tachyon:

  • Run SCALE
  • Run Native OS Commands
  • Run Scripts (e.g., PowerShell/Bash)
  • Embed 3rd party executables and run them

Watch on to learn more about what you can expect in the upcoming weeks!

Don’t miss out on future editions of Tachyon Tuesday 102, stay up to date here! Or subscribe to our YouTube channel to keep your eye on the latest Tachyon Tuesday content.