It’s undeniable, the workplace of the future is here, and that workplace is digital-first. We can thank a myriad of factors for this: advancements in technology, the mass shift to remote or hybrid working, and market demand, to name a few.  

But with this digital-first workplace comes the requirement for organizations to invest in digital employee experience (DEX). Why? Well, just as customer experience (CX) drives success in the market, providing employees with a seamless and engaging digital environment can yield significant benefits for businesses.  

By prioritizing DEX, organizations will absolutely improve employee sentiment and experience but can also unlock a range of beneficial tangible business outcomes. According to Gartner, I&O leaders must rely on DEX—alongside Unified endpoint management (UEM) and environmental sustainability—to accomplish employee satisfaction, cost optimization, and efficiency goals.  

This blog series dives into some of the key advantages that organizations can achieve with DEX. In this first part, we consider reduced operational costs and data-driven decision-making.

Reduced operational costs

Remaining cost-effective – especially during times of economic uncertainty – is a key focus for most businesses, and certainly a tangible benefit many would welcome. For many organizations, one of the biggest cost centers is their IT department. By prioritizing and providing great digital employee experience (DEX), companies can reduce IT operating costs, without sacrificing productivity.

We’ve spoken previously about how a lack of IT visibility into endpoints can create challenges, sometimes very costly ones at that. Should a business experience an outage for example, if IT lacks the insight to provide correct support and resolve the issue quickly, hours of downtime could lead to derailed operations – and ultimately impact cost.

Reducing IT operating costs in a business with a focus on digital employee experience (DEX) involves optimizing technology, streamlining processes, and empowering employees with efficient tools and resources. The real-time visibility and remediation capabilities of an effective DEX strategy leave IT better equipped to respond proactively and quickly to issues and communicate more effectively with users. This means less downtime, more productive employees, and fewer costs to the business.

Data-driven decision making 

Investing in DEX often involves implementing digital platforms and tools that collect vast amounts of data about employee activities, preferences, and interactions. Leveraging this data can provide valuable insights for organizations to make data-driven decisions.

Access to accurate, real-time data is invaluable for organizations. It can help to fuel better remediation and intuitive reporting and ensure IT is able to monitor and resolve issues across even dispersed workforces, improving the digital experience for employees.

For instance, analyzing user behavior on digital platforms can identify bottlenecks or areas of improvement in processes, enabling organizations to optimize workflows. Furthermore, DEX data can offer valuable feedback on the effectiveness of training programs, employee engagement initiatives, and overall employee satisfaction. With these insights, organizations can refine their strategies and initiatives, driving continuous improvement and fostering a culture of agility. 

In today's digital landscape, organizations that invest in creating a good digital employee experience (DEX) are better positioned to reap a range of tangible business outcomes. A well-implemented DEX strategy empowers employees with the right tools, training, and data access. This enables them to make more informed, data-driven decisions, ultimately helping to optimize workflows, reduce unnecessary and avoidable costs, and improve productivity.

Stay tuned for part two for more insights into the tangible business outcome organizations can benefit from with DEX.