Setting the stage

Victory in the business world means agility and freedom from friction. 1E's AI strategy embodies these principles, working tirelessly to eradicate productivity barriers and enabling users to channel their energy where it matters most. This commitment to addressing real issues optimizes IT spending, providing maximum business value.

The crucial role of IT is to empower employees by removing friction and minimizing drift. Friction and drift are two elements that hamper productivity, compromise performance, and undermine security. The more you understand the impact of friction and drift on the user experience, the faster you can unlock employees' potential.

IT needs a digital employee experience (DEX) platform that recommends remediations rooted in a deep understanding of end-user impacts, offering logical explanations for these recommendations. DEX-focused AI capabilities must, first, be proactive in improving the employee experience. They must deliver consistent insights into end-user sentiment and provide prioritization of the most critical issues.

The Sentiment Problem

End-user surveys are the right first step, but they are only the beginning of developing an accurate and thorough understanding of how users feel about their digital experience. When our customers run targeted sentiment surveys, they often report that they achieve a high response rate, but they get contradicting answers from people who have experienced the same issue.

DEX-focused AI needs to deepen understanding of friction and drift on the individual and standardize end-user sentiment, making the user a key player in the decision-making process.

The challenge we embrace is to help IT make decisions that yield tangible benefits for the business and end-user alike. We are applying AI to make these decisions measurable, defensible, and rooted in transparent logic.

Intelligent Sentiment

At 1E, we are building an AI representative for every end-user, providing IT with invaluable insights into the issues that matter most. Our AI approach helps IT effectively prioritize resource allocation and fully understand the impact of their actions on the end user.

We are training our AI model to intelligently represent user behavior and sentiment, providing IT with continuous and accurate sentiment measurements. By employing a blend of established and emerging AI techniques, we aim to highlight key issues, offer root cause analysis, and action fixes in real-time.

Looking Ahead

We are building an AI representative for each end-user, carefully checking and prioritizing experience anomalies. This offers live insights, recommendations, and solutions that strengthen the continuous delivery and improvement of cost-optimized, highly secure digital experiences.
Without validated employee sentiment, DEX is incomplete. However, capturing this sentiment can often be a challenge and, ironically, a source of friction. With 1E's AI, we offer a continuous stream of high-quality employee sentiment data, enabling IT to make informed decisions and tackle the most pressing issues. Where a good DEX solution identifies friction, a great DEX solution, like ours, understands how the end user will be affected before the change is implemented.

Step into the future of friction-free IT with 1E.

You can expect to see 1E's AI capability available on the platform in September 2023.