When you think of the term "digital employee experience" what comes to mind? Laptops? Applications? Network connections? Those digital interactions take place virtually for many of us on our devices. 

What about those non-virtual interactions? The digital experiences that take place in person and contribute to overall DEX. Let's explore how DEX tools can strengthen both areas and revolutionize digital experiences.  

While this concept applies across many industries, we'll use the world of retail as an example here. It's safe to say we're a far cry from the shopping experience of yesteryear. With the rise of e-commerce has come the ability to make purchases from anywhere at any time—undeniably appealing. However, brick-and-mortar storefronts also have a certain allure. Entering a store, and finding what you want while being able to feel and interact with products is an experience in itself. 

Many believe e-commerce is completely taking over the retail space, but the reality is that 45% of consumers still primarily shop in brick-and-mortar stores. However, the gaining traction of e-commerce is still considerable, with a projected annual growth rate of 9.49% by 2029. To continue competing with the ease online shopping provides, physical stores must consistently up their game to provide equal experiences. What better way to create an equally seamless offline retail experience than through technology?  

Learn how one global retailer leveraged 1E technology to strengthen the in-store experiences of customers and employees. 

 Endpoint visibility, managing, and monitoring capabilities 

 A common point of frustration for customers takes place at checkout—which, in most stores, is digitized. One way to improve their overall experience is by streamlining the point-of-sale process (POS).  Adopting a solution that offers endpoint visibility, management, and monitoring capabilities helps prevent digital friction before it even occurs.  

A long-term 1E customer and global retailer ran into this issue. Credit cards were continuously declining, and digital POS systems were unreliable and faulty. Not only did this situation affect the customer experience, but it also impacted the employee experience too. Customers had to wait for the problem to be resolved or leave without the item they came in for. Employees at checkout couldn't adequately do their jobs with the ongoing digital disruptions, and those on the service desk and IT teams had to constantly phone in to identify and try to fix the problem. Before leveraging 1E’s capabilities to improve the digital employee experience (DEX) and that of the customers, this company wasn't able to pinpoint the issue. 

“Before 1E, we were just playing whack-a-mole. Our service desk was getting hammered. Stores were frustrated by being locked out of tills or computers, and we, as IT teams, weren’t able to articulate the problem.” 

Partnering with 1E helped resolve this frequent pain point and eliminate those previously tiresome experiences for employees and customers. This retailer said goodbye to everyday digital frustration and hello to reduced service desk calls, visibility across the entire estate, happy employees and customers, and massive savings. This real-world example is just one that illustrates how 1E’s DEX technology can provide organizations with the ability to remediate issues fast and forever, predict disruptions across all endpoints, and help teams make informed decisions.   

“Within a day of initial deployment, 1E could tell us exactly what was happening with that long-standing POS issue. That’s visibility we simply didn’t have before – at that speed, in that detail, in one place.” 

Continue reading about how this international retailer focused on DEX and the customer experience with 1E and the wonders we could work for your organization.