One of my first part-time jobs after leaving school was a handyman at a clothing factory. In this role, one of the tasks I was given involved painting motivating phrases on the walls of the factory. Today, if I could go around painting motivating phrases on the walls of companies today I would need only 2 words: Automate Everything.
Windows 10 is going to be talked about for the next few years but many companies have just recently migrated to Windows 7. The key to being able to migrate to a new operating system is automation. Removing the need for desk-side visits and empowering users to schedule and migrate to the next operating system can be a realistic goal. The key is to automate as much of the OS deployment process as possible. In fact, automate everything.
The user / joiner / leaver process is done many times a week or month. It is important to get it right as providing the new joiner with a speedy and pain-free experience can leave a good impression. All too often this process is completed manually. The leaver process is critical in ensuring that access to company content is solely for current employees. Both of these processes can cause headaches and take up valuable time better spent in other areas, automate everything.
Users can be demanding when they have a deadline and need to get data from an application that is not installed on their computer. The process to request, approve and deploy software needs to be seamless to the user to ensure they can work efficiently. The process of software deployment doesn't need to be a headache or become a manual marathon for the desk side engineers, automate everything.
The task of automating processes can seem daunting and time consuming but the end result is a streamlined production line that an save time, money and maybe even your business.
In this era of the digital disruption where speed is key and the ability to move processes from manual to automated could become the deciding factor for growth of companies.  1E is focused on delivering automation through our many solutions. Get in touch if you would like some advice about how to automate those manual processes.